Nurturing Green Thumbs

At Another Hope Children’s Ministries, life is blossoming, both in our gardens and our children’s hearts! With the sun shining brightly and shovels in hand, our little ones have embarked on a vegetable and spice gardening journey, transforming a patch of land into a thriving ecosystem of flavors.

From tender cabbages and juicy tomatoes to vibrant eggplants, the garden is a testament to the children’s hard work and dedication. The air is filled with the refreshing scent of mint, thyme, and basil, a fragrant symphony that hints at the delicious possibilities that await.

Amidst the rows of flourishing plants, two young gardeners, Keith and Junior, embody the spirit of this endeavor. Their faces light up with unbridled joy whenever it’s time to head to the garden. “Mummy Ruth, take us to the garden; we can help you!”they eagerly proclaim, their voices brimming with excitement. Their infectious enthusiasm is a constant reminder of the simple pleasures and profound lessons that gardening provides.

Through this initiative,we are instilling in our children the values of sustainability,self-sufficiency, and the joy of growing one’s own food. They are learning about the life cycle of plants, the importance of caring for the environment, and the satisfaction of reaping the rewards of their labor. Witnessing Keith and Junior’s eagerness to contribute, to get their hands dirty, and to nurture life fills us with immense pride and hope.

Challenges & Prayer Requests:

  • School Fees: We need help covering school fees arrears for terms I and II 2024 and God’s provision for term III. Please pray for all our children to perform well academically.
  • Director’s Health & Accident: We continue to pray for the Executive Director’s full recovery from her accident and Renee and Sacha’s continued healing after their accident.

    We extend our deepest gratitude to the Wineck family for their incredible support towards the Executive Director’s medical bills and Renee and Sacha’s medical expenses.

    Thank you to Cheryl, Lois, The Fletcher Family, the Beaudin family, the Lewis family, the Welch family, and The Post Family for supporting Quincy’s participation in the Global Intellectual Challenge

    Education Fees

    Support our children’s education through GlobalGiving

    School Fees Arrears

    Help us clear urgent school fees arrears through GoGetFunding.

    Farming Support

    Contribute to our overall family support efforts.

    Scholastic Needs

    Help us provide essential school supplies for the remaining children.

    We are so grateful foryour continued support and prayers. Together, we are making a difference in thelives of these precious children.

    With a loving heart, Another Hope Children’s Ministries

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